
If we haven’t met your expectations please let us know.

We’re a startup social enterprise, and sometimes make mistakes. This is also true of our partners.

If you’d like to leave some feedback, or make a complaint, then you can do so in the following ways:

●   Email us with your complaint at support@indigopower.com.au, or you can fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

●   Write to us at Indigo Power, Old Beechworth Gaol, Corner of William and Ford Streets, Beechworth, Victoria, 3747.

●   Write to the Energy Ombudsman in your state. Customers can contact the Energy Ombudsman at any time. However, we hope that you’ll give us the chance to rectify your issue first.

You can read a full copy of our complaints policy here.

You can contact the Energy Ombudsman in your state using the details below.

Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
Mail: Reply Paid 469, Melbourne VIC 8060
Phone: 1800 500 509
Fax: 1800 500 549
Email: ewovinfo@ewov.com.au
Web: www.ewov.com.au

New South Wales
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW
Mail: Reply Paid 86550, Sydney South NSW 1234
Phone: 1800 246 545
Fax: 1800 812 291
Email: complaints@ewon.com.au
Web: www.ewon.com.au

Have we made a mistake?

If we haven’t met your expectations please let us know.

We’re a startup social enterprise, and sometimes make mistakes. This is also true of our partners.

If you’d like to leave some feedback, or make a complaint, then you can do so in the following ways:

●   Email us with your complaint at support@indigopower.com.au, or you can fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

●   Write to us at Indigo Power, Old Beechworth Gaol, Corner of William and Ford Streets, Beechworth, Victoria, 3747.

●   Write to the Energy Ombudsman in your state. Customers can contact the Energy Ombudsman at any time. However, we hope that you’ll give us the chance to rectify your issue first.

You can read a full copy of our complaints policy here.

You can contact the Energy Ombudsman in your state using the details below.

Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
Mail: Reply Paid 469, Melbourne VIC 8060
Phone: 1800 500 509
Fax: 1800 500 549
Email: ewovinfo@ewov.com.au
Web: www.ewov.com.au

New South Wales
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW
Mail: Reply Paid 86550, Sydney South NSW 1234
Phone: 1800 246 545
Fax: 1800 812 291
Email: complaints@ewon.com.au
Web: www.ewon.com.au